what are the benefits of a saltwater pool?
  • Thu, Apr 2022
  • |
  • Esmeralda Construction Inc

Owning a pool at home is a great luxury. However, it’s also a significant commitment for pool owners. If you don’t know the benefits of a saltwater pool, you need to read this vital information.

Saltwater pools have become an alternative option to pool owners that would like to put less effort into maintenance.

Keep reading this blog!

Top Benefits of Saltwater Pools

Besides lack of recognition, saltwater pools are one of the best methods to take care of your health. Here you will learn more about their benefits and why it should be a good option for you to have at home!

Lower cost

Although the initial investment tends to be high, the maintenance costs are significantly lower than in traditional chlorine pools.

Effortless Maintenance | What are the Benefits of a Saltwater Pool

The maintenance process of a saltwater pool is extremely simple. You just have to dump a bag of salt into the pool, and the saltwater system automatically does the rest.

This works by passing the salty water through a system and turning it into chlorinated water.

The salt stays in the water for a long time without being consumed.

You’ll only lose amounts of salt as the water level changes, for example, during water splashes, heavy rain, or draining.

Usually, pouring salt in your pool twice a year could be enough. Depending on where you live, the weather, and how frequently you use the pool.

Health benefits Due To Fewer Exposition to Chemicals

Even if the salt turns into chlorine, this is more natural than the amount of chlorine typically used in traditional pools.

As a result, you won’t be handling chlorine tablets and won’t feel the classic chlorine smell. And most of all, fewer chemicals mean your family will be safer, especially for young children.

However, you should know that using salt doesn’t mean your pool will be entirely chemical-free. You’ll still have to check the pool’s chemicals regularly.

Take Advantage Of a Permanent Clear Saltwater Pool

Is salt water pool healthier?

Your pool chemical levels are easier to control with a saltwater system because it works automatically.

Balance chemicals will also reduce the chances of algae growth. Say goodbye to green or cloudy pools and hello to clear pool water.

No more Itchy Skin or Red Eyes

Compared to chlorine, salt is more gentle on the eyes, skin, and hair. This pool system will be the best for people sensitive to chlorine.

It is unlikely to experience itchy skin or turn your eyes red when swimming in a saltwater pool. Additionally, salt is more gentle on swimsuits and won’t cause them to bleach.

Crystal Clear And Bacteria Free Water!

Saltwater is more stable and more balanced, and creates a more challenging environment for bacteria and germs to survive, which means that the water remains crystal clear all the time and free of slime!

The Salt Chlorinator constantly circulates chlorine through the pool compared to traditional chlorine pools that only spread chlorine when manually introduced.

It Is Not Excessively Salty!

The salt concentration or salinity of the pool is about 3.4 grams/liter. The ocean is about 36 grams per liter, and the salinity of a teardrop is 6 grams per liter. Imagine that; it’s less salty than a teardrop!

Don’t leave design and aesthetics behind !

pet friendly pool

In order to complete and feel totally at ease with your pool, a good design is critical. At this point, it is perfect for expressing yourselves as you wish. There are no limits in design. However, certain regulations must be followed.

Also, these types of pools are pet friendly. So, ideally, you can be your dogs, and they won’t suffer any damage.

For better control and total satisfaction both in the process and in the results of the work, it is advisable to consult an expert.

What Else Should I Know About the Saltwater Pools Benefits?

Are salt water pools easier to maintain?

A common misconception is to believe that you’ll have a mini ocean at home. However, the truth is that saltwater pools have much less salt than the sea.

You also need to know that you still have to monitor the pH levels of your pool, perform regular maintenance and even replace some parts of the system when necessary.

Another key point is that this system is not compatible with concrete pools, as it could damage the concrete even faster than chlorine.

Even with this said, it’s still a less demanding pool than traditional ones. Does Saltwater Pool Work the Investment?

Unless you’re already super happy and comfortable with your traditional pool, saltwater pools are worth trying, even if the initial investment is higher.

When You Need Professional Assistance, We’re Here

If you’re in the debate of traditional chlorine pools vs. saltwater pools. In that case, you can now make a more informed decision based on what are the benefits of a saltwater pool.

You can contact Esmeralda Construction for more information. Ask our professional pool builder team for more guidance and assistance when choosing any pool system, design, etc. We cover Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside, Temecula, and Yorba Linda!

With years of experience and excellent diligence in our work, we are your best choice! We have a highly trained staff and hand in hand with the best tools.

Our goal is the utmost attention to every detail.